We have seen the future, and it sucks.

SPLC Unveils the Worst Acronym of 2023: “Combating Anti-LGBTQ Pseudoscience Through Accessible Informative Narratives” or CAPTAIN

27th December 2023

Steve Sailer has some fun.

Back when junk mail genius Morris Dees was running the Southern Poverty Law Center, the SPLC was pretty good at coming up with acronyms. For example, consider the cunning of the acronym “SPLC,” which no doubt confused some elderly donors into thinking Morris’s new 1970s operation was actually Martin Luther King’s venerable 1960s SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) or the SCLC’s youth outgrowth, the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), which featured such worthies as John Lewis, Julian Bond, Stokely Carmichael, and Marion Barry.

But in 2019, Morris got booted out of the SPLC for his flagrant White Maleness. (He was then on his sixth wife, and I’ve been told he’s moved on to #7.) And even though Morris was already 82 then, it’s no surprise that I haven’t heard much from the SPLC ever since they dumped the old rogue. It’s been over 4 years, but they still haven’t found a black woman competent enough to be put in charge, so the SPLC’s current president and chief executive officer is named Margaret Huang, but that’s kind of embarrassing so you don’t hear much from her, or the SPLC in general anymore. The SPLC doesn’t give Ms. Huang her own web page. Instead, they put the 13 people who qualify as “Leadership” on one page in alphabetical order so Huang is listed #6.

Sure, the media and the White House still take seriously the SPLC’s blacklists of whom to hate. Nobody calls them the “scandal-plagued SPLC.” But the scandal-plagued SPLC is now just coasting on what Morris built.

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