We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Cry Victim: Chicago Mayor Rages Over Buses of Immigrants From Texas

20th December 2023

Read it.

Leftists hate being exposed as hypocrites. Much of their social influence depends on two false notions – That they are rebels against the establishment and that they are the victims of oppression. In reality, the political left is the favored movement of the establishment and they are only ever victims of their own incompetence, lust for power and delusions of grandeur. The humanitarian costume they wear is easy to tear away – All you have to do is demand they follow through on their “principles” instead of only serving their own interests.

This is how Texas Governor Greg Abbot (among others) has taken the legs out from under pro-sanctuary Democrats – By giving them exactly what they claimed they wanted.

Tens of thousands of illegal migrants have now been bused to multiple sanctuary cities including Chicago, New York And Washington D.C. And needless to say, the progressives in these places are not happy. Texas towns deal with millions of illegals every year due to the Biden Administration’s asylum policies and open border policies. The issue is growing more out of control with each passing month and 2023 is set to become the worst year ever for migrant crossings. Yet, a handful of the same migrants are now crippling the welfare apparatus of multiple blue cities.

The far-left Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is furious in the face of the overwhelming economic strain created by the influx of migrants. The same mayor proudly declared Chicago a sanctuary city in May of this year.

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