We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Phantom Menace of the Irish ‘Far Right’

25th November 2023

Read it.

In Dublin on Thursday, a middle-aged man, a naturalized citizen said to be from an Islamic country, went on a stabbing spree outside an elementary school. Before passersby brought him down, three small children and two adults lay bleeding from their wounds. Within hours, parts of Dublin were burning. Why? “The far right,” said an Irish police official—a claim dutifully magnified by the nation’s woke media.

Don’t you believe it. Brian Kaller, a Dublin friend and independent journalist who went onto the streets to see what the ruckus was about, wrote me to say the people he interviewed leaving the riot area said the initial protest had been peaceful, but it turned violent when the police tried to break it up. The looters, the people told Kaller, didn’t look Irish. Kaller added that Ireland, which doesn’t even have a conservative political party, has no ‘far right’ to his knowledge, “but this is the way to create one.”

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