We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Outside Scoop on a Communist Pope

15th November 2023

Read it.

Howdy — this is not a religious commentary, as I leave that (mostly) to the members of their respective organizations.

The Pope exists in the real world and is an influential force in human affairs, and so this atheist feels more than qualified to comment on that basis. This is the same basis on which I approve of Protestant reforms (raised Protestant) despite having no religious charter for my views. Also, I find some Protestantism more agreeable than others. So much for my preferences — that’s not the point. Wars have been fought over this stuff, nations dissolved and founded, and from my admittedly atheist perspective, most religious wars are just ordinary wars for power and security (or personal glory) using a different label than the other options of race, ethnicity, nation-state, geography, or “vocation” (meaning a given people’s way of getting on).

I remember when liberty had a great ally in a sturdy and forthright man of a Pope. Reagan, Thatcher, John Paul II — those were heroic leaders united in a global crusade against the pure evil of Communism, winning WWIII without plunging the planet into fire.

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