We have seen the future, and it sucks.

How a Working-Class Coalition Is Remaking the Republican Party

7th November 2023

The Foundry.

Patrick Ruffini is a Republican pollster with a reputation for deciphering data and spotting trends. His new book, “Party of the People: Inside the Multiracial Populist Coalition Remaking the GOP,” takes a deep dive into one of the biggest political realignments of our lifetime.

Ruffini spoke with The Daily Signal about the demographic changes that are rapidly transforming America’s two biggest political parties—and what it means for the 2024 presidential election and beyond.

“When I first started in politics, Republicans had this reputation as being the country club party,” Ruffini said. “Democrats had this reputation as being the party of the people, the party of the working class.”

He added, “Flash forward almost 20 years, and that trend has completely almost reversed.”

Historically the backbone of the Republican party has been farmers and small businessmen, the first in line to get buttfucked by the Deep State and the coastal Crust. It would be nice to see that world turned upside down.

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