We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Trump Derangement Syndrome

24th October 2023

Former Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis pleads guilty in Georgia case (CNN) The corrupt bargain that prosecutors offer is “Accept a plea deal on a lesser charge or we will stick it to you big time.” (Satan could take lessons from a Democrat D.A.) Lawyers, who know what simpletons juries can be, are especially vulnerable to this sort of calculus.

Fourth Trump lawyer, Jenna Ellis, pleads guilty in Georgia subversion case (BBC)

BREAKING: Jenna Ellis enters plea deal in Georgia election interference case (MSNBC)

Why the Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell guilty pleas are so dire for Donald Trump (L.A. Times)

Exclusive poll: Nikki Haley surges, nearly ties Ron DeSantis as the alternative to Trump (USA Today) And the Narrative media are desperately seeking an alternative to Trump, especially one who isn’t a Deadly White Male.

Joe Scarborough Claims 98% Of Congressional Republicans ‘Hate’ Trump

Trump Plots to Pull Out of NATO — If He Doesn’t Get His Way (Rolling Stone) The mind-readers of the Narrative media are at it again.

Trump Targets Jack Smith After Judge Temporarily Lifts Gag Order

Trump Bizarrely Declares ‘I Was Never Indicted’ After Being Indicted Four Times (MEDIAite) If he doesn’t say what you want him to say, just make it up.

Trump compares himself to Mandela and rails against Biden after filing for New Hampshire primary (Associated Press)

Imagine Handing This F****d-Up World Back to Donald Trump (The New Republic) Yeah, he might fix it–can’t have that.

Trump defiant as political and legal worlds collide (Politico)

Fact check: Trump falsely claims the US had no terrorist attacks during his presidency (CNN) In the Narrative media, ‘fact check’ means ‘Who are you going to believe, me or your lyin’ eyes?’

Trump’s lawyers argue DC fed’l charges unconstitutional, should be tossed (Law Dork) Never was there a site more accurately named.

‘I Mean, Is This My Party?’ (Politico) To the Narrative media, even RINOs like Mitt Romney can be blamed for Trump.

Trump seethes at gag order in federal case while his campaign relishes it (Washington Poop) The mind-readers in the Narrative media are at it again. Funny how they know all of these things that they have no way of knowing.

What liberals still don’t get about Trump supporters


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