We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

2nd October 2023

He, She, They: The Pronoun Debate Will Likely Land at the Supreme Court (Politico)

Horrific moment store clerk in crime-ridden Bay Area is set on FIRE with stolen lighter fluid by serial shoplifter, leaving him suffering from second and third-degree burns (UK Daily Mail)

Canada To Create Registry Of Podcasters In Potential Censorship Initiative 

For Some, Open Border Chaos Is The Goal

German Mayor Call Concerns Over Child Safety “Unfounded” Amid Plans To Accomodate 80 Asylum-Seekers At A Primary School

Pope Francis Claims No Migrant Emergency In Europe – Suggests ‘Individualism’ Is The Problem

Meet the Violent Criminals Roaming the Illinois Streets Thanks to State’s Cash Bail Ban

Playbook: A new senator, and a new showdown (Politico)

The EU Is Ruining European Agriculture

Newsom Fills Feinstein’s Empty Senate Seat With Wealthy Black Lesbian From Maryland

Stop Arguing Over Elite Schools. Just Make Public Colleges Free. (The Nation) Progs are just full of solutions that require other people to pay for their stuff.

Sweden: Gangs Start Health Care Clinics To Commit Welfare Fraud

Who Is Laphonza Butler? Abortion Strategist, Clinton Adviser, Labor Union Boss Replacing Feinstein

Is Dark Money ‘Anti-Hate’ Group CCDH Run By An Intelligence Operative?

Newsom’s appointment confirms that abortion is the heart of the Democratic Party

Gavin Newsom Throws Dart At Board Covered In Black Lesbians To Select Next Senator (Babylon Bee)


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