We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Great Replacement and the Psychology of Denial

25th September 2023

Read it.

It’s commonplace for many conservatives, and others concerned about security, to express alarm about uncontrolled immigration. And while there is an invigorating perennial debate between classical liberals / libertarians and social conservatives about the merits and drawbacks to having open borders, for many, to express too strong a defense of immigration controls—or, worse, ‘repatriation’—is tantamount to racist xenophobia.

We’re here to say that this dismissive attitude—and the general reluctance among policymakers to discuss the socio-economic impacts of mass migration—does a disservice to the many countries that have opened their arms to newcomers. But given recent episodes of crime, riots, and sexual violence, and given the sheer scale of the waves of immigrants now seeking refuge in Europe, we think Europe’s future lies in part with ensuring its cultural survival, which necessarily implies ending immigration.

We think that, over the years, many intellectuals and policymakers have warned us of the challenges and potential threats of mass migration (especially from non-Western countries): Enoch Powell in Britain; Jean Raspail in France; Gianfranco Miglio in Italy. Much of this has been to no avail. But as the realities of sexual grooming, harassment, anti-Christian, and antisemitic incidents spread across Europe, we think it is time to turn to some sober analysis of the situation.

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