We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

18th September 2023

Chicago mayor considers creating city-owned grocery store after Walmart, Whole Foods close stores in the city (Fox)

Should the city of Chicago run its own grocery store? (Chicago Tribune) Very convenient for shoplifters.

Los Angeles Spends $44,000 Per ‘Temporary’ Tent For Homeless Village

American Manufacturing Is Coming Back… So Are Strikes Which is one of the reasons manufacturing moved overseas in the first place. When was the last time you heard about a strike in Chine? Or Vietnam? Or Honduras? Or Mexico?

Schumer Axes Senate Dress Code, Letting Fetterman Don Whatever

Biden Admin, California Regulators Aim to Force Carmakers to Produce ‘100% Electric’ Vehicles, Heritage Expert Warns

Portland Shells Out Thousands For Homeless to Help Shape City’s Police Disciplinary System

‘Woke’ Politics ‘Creeping’ Into Video Games

Senate Dress Code No Longer Applies to Senators—Like John Fetterman—Just to Everyone Else

Minneapolis’s disappearing police

Texas Church Uses ChatGPT to Create Worship Service  Great–send the AI to church, and you can sleep in. Win-win!

‘Body Positivity’ Is Literally Killing People, Science Finds  I have no problem with that. People who do stupid things deserve to die. Natural selection works even when you don’t want it to.

Seattle’s new airport terminal can’t fit planes it was designed to handle

Lampedusa is Full Up


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