So-and-So Never Said Such-and-Such About This and That
6th September 2023
I come across it constantly in comments and in blog posts on other sites: assertions that some politician, or every politician, in the Republican Party never spoke on a certain topic, never fought against a certain pernicious action of the left, never tried to do a certain thing. And yet very often when I’ve checked – usually a rather simple and quick search – I find it’s not the case and that the person has in fact done some form of that thing or spoken out on just that topic.
The internet has made it rather easy for us all to do such searches. And yet people don’t seem to be doing them much. I think it’s because we all have so much anger at what’s happening to our country that there’s an urge to strike out not just at the left – that’s easy – but at the supposed right who haven’t been able (or in some cases even willing) to stop it. I’ve noticed this as long as I’ve been blogging, which is nineteen years at this point (yikes).