We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Whatever You Do, Don’t Mention the Muslim Brotherhood

24th July 2023

Gates of Vienna.

In Western media, criticism of Islamic zealotry is both rare and muted. The reason for such reticence is obvious: any publication that gains widespread attention for its negative analysis and/or mockery of Islam puts its personnel and plant at risk of Islamic ultra-violence. Salman Rushdie, Jyllands-Posten, Charlie Hebdo, and numerous others have provided object lessons on what happens to Islam-critics who become well known to the general public. Most writers see no point in risking violent death or maiming. A publisher has to consider what will happen if his offices are torched and his staff massacred. Best to leave the topic to daredevils like Tommy Robinson and Rasmus Paludan, and keep a low profile.

The Muslim Brotherhood is genteel-seeming front for the Islamization of the West. It provides cover for various groups and individuals (including violent “radicals”) who push for sharia and intimidate the kuffar. Not unsurprisingly, criticizing it directly carries a measure of risk.

Wherever you go,
Whatever you do,
A Muslim waits there
To try to kill you.

UPDATE: Muslim Mobs Get a Pass for Assaulting Jews in NYC and LA


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