French Researcher on Muslim Brotherhood Sees Her Conference Cancelled
12th May 2023
The French university has long been under the strong influence of what one may call ‘Islamo-leftism,’ i.e., the complacency of a part of the academic elite towards militant Islam, preventing any critical distance and any analysis of the Muslim religion and world. A researcher has just paid the price, seeing her planned conference at the Sorbonne on the Muslim Brotherhood ‘suspended,’ supposedly for security reasons.
A conference by Florence Bergeaud-Blackler, a researcher at the prestigious Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), was scheduled for May 12th at the Sorbonne for her book on the Muslim Brotherhood, entitled Le frérisme et ses réseaux : l’enquête, (Muslim Brotherhood and its networks: an investigation) published in January by editor Odile Jacob. On May 9th, the researcher received a notice from the dean of the Sorbonne’s Faculty of Letters, informing her that the conference had to be ‘suspended’ for security reasons. The person in charge did not even bother to make a phone call to inform the speaker personally.