We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Arsonists attack ‘new Sangatte’ centre in Calais

27th December 2009

Read it. Points to note:

  1. These people are not trying to sneak into France. They are already in France. They are trying to sneak into Britain. Apparently France isn’t good enough. Can’t fault their judgment.
  2. France has established a camp near the relevant transport links to serve those wanting to sneak into Britain as a convenient staging area, rather than shipping them back where they came from. Thanks a lot, France.
  3. One wonders what the British government is doing about all this. If such camps were established by the Mexican government by our southern border, would the U.S. government not be taking some sort of action against it? Oh, wait — they are, and it isn’t. Forget I even mentioned it.

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