We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

28th April 2023

Think Manchin has coal connections? Meet his rival. (Politico)

The Online Racists Stealing Military Secrets (Rolling Stone) People like Edward Snowdon and ‘Chelsea’ Manning?

MSNBC Says It’s Racist for State Police to Enforce Law in Jackson, MS

Federal appeals court upholds several voter restrictions enacted by Florida Republicans (CNN)

Texas AG Paxton Backs Christian Baker in Third Lawsuit

What’s really behind Republicans’ mounting transphobia? (Robert Reich) How would he know? Can he read minds?

German Domestic Spy Agency Labels AfD Youth Org As “Extreme Right”, Enabling Mass Surveillance Of All Members

Senior EU Official Issues Warning to Twitter over Moderation Failings

The Polite Disdain of John Roberts Finds a Target (N.Y. Times) More accurately, perhaps: The Polite Disdain for John Roberts Finds a Target.

DeSantis and Florida GOP look to upend public record laws as they attempt to shield his travel and other records ahead of likely White House bid (CNN)

Accused Pentagon leaker’s violent rhetoric raises fresh questions about top secret vetting process (CNN)

A new Senate bill would curb Trump’s worst judges (Vox) All Trump! All the time!

GOP uses state capitol protests to redefine ‘insurrection’ (Associated Press) Hey, if the Left can redefine ‘woman’, then anything goes.

Ron DeSantis in Guantánamo: how questions about his past haunt the Florida governor (The Guardian) They may haunt writers for The Guardian but I doubt that they haunt DeSantis at all.

No, You Absolutely Do Not Have to Hand It to Tucker Carlson (The Nation) The chief virtue of Tucker Carlson is that he drives all of the proglodyte ankle-biters insane.

Fox News Ratings Collapse by 50% as Newsmax Soars

Scarborough Outraged Childless Bachelor Sen. Lindsey Graham Speaks Against Abortion


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