Today in Witch-Hunt Culture
12th March 2023
MSNBC Alleges DeSantis And Youngkin Seek To ‘Demoralize’ Black People
Can Trump’s ‘Straight Man’ Lighten Up? (Politico)
What Would Happen If American Elites Told The Truth?
Lauren Boebert will be a grandmother at 36. This is what conservatives want for us (The Guardian) Non sequitur.
Democrats Refuse To Address The Contents Of The Twitter Files – Attack The Messengers Instead
PBS Attacks Former Ark. GOP Gov: Transgender ‘Rhetoric Leads to Real-World Violence’ Certainly: Violence by trans-activists and their running mates on the mobocratic Left.
France: Senator Tried for Tweeting “Immigration Kills the Youth”
A Trump veteran at Fox struggled to balance election lies with the network’s interests (Washington Post)
NBC’s Todd: DeSantis Teaching Dangers of Communism is ‘Politicizing’ He says that like it was a bad thing.
Federal Judge Calls On Stanford To Fire DEI Dean That Participated In Student-Led Revolt Ain’t gonna happen.
MSNBC Vocab: Ron DeSantis Is a ‘MAGA Extremist Bully,’ a ‘Fascist,’ and a ‘Richard’
PBS Whines as DC Crime Bill Trounced: GOP ‘Pounced,’ Dems ‘Blindsided’
Atlantic Writer Discovers Weird Wacky World of YouTube Censorship