We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The State of the Union Is Meaningless

8th February 2023

Read it.

The problem with a Joe Biden speech is that he doesn’t believe anything he says.

When Reagan claimed to hate the dirty red commies, his personal history and actions in office backed up the statement. When George H.W. Bush promised to spread democracy around the world, even his harshest critics knew he believed it — and shuddered.

Not so with Biden. He boasts of bipartisanship in one paragraph, then accuses Republicans of killing Social Security in the next. One sentence on unity, the next ties a lefty nudist’s attack on Paul Pelosi to January 6. He demands an end to fentanyl, then ignores the issue until the next State of the Union.

Between his stilted cadence and mumble-whisper-SCREAM delivery, you wonder if Biden even knows what he’s saying.


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