We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Ahhhooogggaaa! WaPo discovers a “second” generation of Latinos

7th December 2009

Steve Sailer is the gift that keeps on giving.

The Washington Post breaks the astonishing news that there’s actually a second generation of Latinos in the United States. Who could possibly have known that not all Mexican-Americans are immigrants? Nobody in Washington — or in New York, for that matter — ever noticed any Mexicans around before a few years ago. How could we in the East Coast media centers have foreseen that they would reproduce?

One Response to “Ahhhooogggaaa! WaPo discovers a “second” generation of Latinos”

  1. Cathy Says:

    Pay no attention to the gang activity, the teen pregnancies, and the dropout rate, clearly their poverty is directly caused by racism …