We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Hydrocarbon Elephant in the Room that Newsom Refuses to Address

19th January 2023

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California Governor Gavin Newsom refuses to address the hydrocarbon elephant in the room, namely that The End of Oil Would be the End of Civilization as the products manufactured from crude oil played a major role in building the world from one billion to eight billion people in the past 200 years.

With his narrow focus on the useless transition to so-called renewables, no matter what, Newsom is apparently unable to understand that renewables of wind turbines and solar panels cannot manufacture anything.

Today’s dangerous emphasis on wind and solar power for intermittent electricity is creating a lack of products in the future. It is also causing a shortage of fuels for planes, ships, militaries, and space programs, all of which are manufactured from the substance Newsom seems to hate most — oil, that is, black gold, Texas Tea, or petroleum. But Newsom stubbornly refuses to talk about the “products crisis” his energy policies are creating.

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