We have seen the future, and it sucks.

George Santos Outs the Woke Liberal Media

31st December 2022


Well, isn’t this rich. Republican Congressman-elect George Santos has been caught flatfooted, lying about all manner of things — his education, job history, religion, his mother’s death and more.

The lib media has, but of course, gone crazy with this. Doubtless, beyond the lying itself, this focus on Santos is partially driven by the battle to elect the next GOP Speaker of the House. Embattled GOP House Leader Kevin McCarthy needs every vote he can get – and that would include a Santos vote, presuming Santos does not resign before the election on January 3rd. Something that as this is written appears unlikely.

But there’s more here than meets the eye.

Over there at The American Spectator, columnist (and colleague) Scott McKay has noted – correctly in my view – something very curious. How was Santos able to tell these lies and get away with it in his election? Says Scott: “He realized that Stupid Woke America values ‘diversity’ over competence or merit, and so he fed Stupid Woke America what it wanted.”

If I were Congressman Santos, the first assignment I would give to my staff would be to list all of the various ‘lies’ the Narrative Media accuse me of telling, then dig into the records of every Democrat member of Congress and post a list of those who did the exact same thing without any complaint from the Usual Suspects. (One might start with Alcee Hastings, who was impeached and removed as a Federal judge for bribery and then went on to a ‘distinguished’ career as a corrupt black Congressman, re-elected again and again by the stupid black people of his district.)

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