German Self-Assertion and a New Consensus
21st December 2022
The Green movement in Germany advocates a contradictory socio-political agenda. On the one hand, they affirm an absolute individualism that celebrates self actualization for innumerable, biologically non-existent gender variants, and on the other hand, they push for a globalist policy of mandated tolerance. However, despite this contradiction, it is safe to say that it logically follows that the movement opposes all intermediary institutions, from the family to the nation-state, religion to Western culture.
This is why environmentalists, who were first and foremost anti-capitalists, fully came into their own in the fight against global climate change. They find the West’s traditional understanding of the balance between the individual and the community ‘disgusting’ because it stands in the way of both a radical unleashing of the individual and the enactment of globalist fantasies.
According to the Green movement, any policy oriented towards the survival of humanity, consumer interests, and even of the socially weak, is morally illegitimate if it harms the ecosphere. Instead, this ideology cultivates a megalomaniacal sense of responsibility towards humanity in the abstract; ironically this sentiment relieves globalists of any responsibility for local and concrete concerns.