We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Covid Vaccines Averted 3 Million Deaths in U.S., According to New Study

13th December 2022

Read it.

Rather than modeling population-level effects, the team of researchers from the University of Maryland, York University, and the Yale School of Public Health used a computational model that allowed them to incorporate factors like waning immunity or different age groups’ eligibility for vaccines and boosters into their calculations.

So these conclusions aren’t based on actually evidence, but on a model–just like the ‘climate change’ models!–and we all know how accurate those are.

Fung noted that adding all of these parameters together creates more statistical uncertainty in the data, meaning that there’s a larger margin for error in the study’s final results.

No shit.

The authors acknowledge this uncertainty by providing “credible intervals” for their calculations — ranges that show, for example, that their estimates for the number of averted deaths would be between 3.1 million and 3.4 million.


The people who claim that vaccines saved lives depend on massaging various statistics for their ‘proof’–and, as any Real Scientist will tell you, correlation does not imply causation.

The only way to know for sure that a vaccine improved the outcome from COVID is to be able to demonstrate the precise mechanism whereby somebody would have died without the vaccine, and that they are unable to do. Or you could clone a particular person, give one the vaccine, and then give them both COVID and see what happens–which, again, they are unable to do. Without that, there are so many individual variables that the results can be played like a guitar to get the result you are looking for. That’s why some people respond to medications differently than others, and no doctor can predict how any individual patient will respond to any particular treatment.

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