We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

28th November 2022

Netanyahu puts extremist homophobic politician in charge of Israel’s Jewish identity (Times of Israel)

Here are the 7 richest people in the world who haven’t signed the Giving Pledge—Jeff Bezos is No. 3 (CNBC) Join this stunt or we witch-hunt!

French man wins right to not be ‘fun’ at work (Washington Post)

Abraham Lincoln statue vandalized with paint in Chicago park (N.Y. Post)

The far right is losing. That’s why America has never been so dangerous. (Philadelphia Inquirer) Will Bunch has the Jennifer Rubin chair at the Inquirer.

“Christian Nationalism”: An Imaginary Menace

Renaissance Catholique Wins Appeal Against LGBT Associations

NYT Workplace Columnist Condemns Capitalism

A five-week framework for shaking McCarthy (Politico)

Bye, Twitter  I am so important that everyone NEEDS to know my opinion about Twitter.

New Twitter Sign-Ups Hit All-Time Record Despite Cancel Campaign

New Powers in Far-right Hands: Israel’s National Security Ministry, Explained  (Haaretz) In the Narrative Media, there is no right but the far-right. (If new powers were in far-left hands, of course, that would be okay.)

Inside the Billionaire-Backed ‘Hub for Election Denial’ (Daily Beast) As opposed to, say, the billionaire-backed hub for election theft, which is totally Democrat and totally fine.

High-profile Republicans gain followers in first weeks of Musk’s reign (Washington Post) Apparently the WaPo considers this a Bad Thing.

Google Gave FBI Location Data for Thousands of Cell Phones Near Jan. 6 Riots, Court Records Show


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