We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Open Thread

25th November 2022

Nah, just kidding. Open Threads are for blogs that are interested in conversation. That ain’t this.

This blog is not intended to spark ‘conversations’ among readers. (If it were, I’d have one of those snazzy plug-ins that actually threaded reader responses, rather than just tipping them into a pile.) It exists to be a dumping ground for stuff with which I would otherwise pester my friends. (Note to self: Do rant on ending sentences with a preposition. Also one on using ‘if’ where you ought to use ‘ought’.)(Maybe one on what preposition to use after ‘different’.)

This blog is intended to publicize things that I find interesting, and in passing document some of the more absurd things that the Evil Party are doing to this country. (If you can’t remember the latest thing that a Stupid Democrat Or Worse did, come here and search. You might find it.) You will note a certain imbalance. That is because Stupid People do more Stupid Things than Interesting People do Interesting Things. (Not My Fault.) Or you could just read the Babylon Bee.

Think of it as a political Ted Talk, without the Wokeness and on-stage preening.

You want to make a snarky comment, feel free. You want to call me names, get banned.

Those are the only rules we have. Take whatever action you deem appropriate.

Comments are closed.