We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Are We Completely Crazy? Not Yet

16th November 2022

John Hinderaker at Power Line.

When I was a kid growing up in Watertown, South Dakota, we had a Carnegie Library. It was an imposing stone building, and I spent many happy hours there. The library was a haven of peace and quiet, as it was manned by middle-aged librarians who would shush anyone who started to talk.

One thing we did not have was drag queens. I don’t know what would have happened if a drag queen had shown up and started hanging out with the kids, but it would not have ended well.

Weirdly, for reasons I cannot fathom, the concept of a “drag queen story hour” has gained currency. Someone apparently thinks it is a great idea for drag queens to be stationed in libraries, reading to children. To me, it seems like the product of a random bad idea generator. Happily, that appears to be the majority view.

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