We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Special Class

12th November 2022

Read it.

It’s my contention that pushing Senator-elect John Fetterman across the finish line in Pennsylvania was the most important goal the Deep State set for itself in Tuesday’s midterm elections.

A Fetterman victory, even more so than the “election” of Joe Biden in 2020, would demoralize what remains of conservative opposition to the progressive ascendancy in the USA.

Those who accept Mr. Fetterman’s win at face value — which seems to mean a large majority of voters — are forced into the realization that most of their compatriots are brainwashed zombies who would vote for a slime mold if it was running as a Democrat. It’s therefore no longer possible for them to view the electorate en masse as a repository of civic virtue.

‘Biden-Fetterman 2024: It’s a No-Brainer!’

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