We have seen the future, and it sucks.

‘Scientific-Technological Elite’ Is Destroying Self-Government in America

27th October 2022

Read it.

Why didn’t anyone say school closures would be bad?

That’s the question some of our enlightened media experts are asking right now. Yes, really.

“I have to say I’m surprised that there hasn’t been a national conversation about the damage done to kids because of these school closures and the virtual learning and everything,” CNN host Jake Tapper said Friday.

Plenty of Americans quietly and not so quietly had their figurative hands up in class on this issue when the COVID-19 pandemic started. They not only were ignored by Tapper and his media cohorts, but in many cases were ridiculed and demonized.

Now Tapper is calling for a “bipartisan movement” to address the problem. The implication is that a national conversation in America really counts only if Democrats and the Left are conducting it, not those icky conservative types.

The reality is that deferring to public health officials, school administrators, and teachers unions over school closures took a perhaps incalculable toll on the education of young people in America. Dissenters were shoved aside and dismissed.

It’s clear that was a massive mistake that we are paying for now.

The plain fact is that there is a ‘ruling establishment’ in this country, call it what you will, and they absolutely don’t want ‘self-government’ in any meaningful sense.

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