We have seen the future, and it sucks.

De Abortione Nil Nisi Bonum

27th October 2022

Tom Veal.

The elevation of unrestricted abortion from a progressive policy preference to a primary dogma is one of the most astonishing developments in intellectual history. From Bill Clinton’s “safe, legal and rare”, “rare” has been dropped entirely, and “safe” is hardly a consideration. Abortions performed by non-medical personnel or by the unsupervised ingestion of abortifacient drugs are regarded as quite acceptable. The child’s death has a higher value than the mother’s health.

Even more strikingly, pro-abortion progressives denounce any public criticism of abortion as fiercely as any religious fanatic has ever excoriated blasphemy. Several posts back, I cited a couple of examples. A couple more showed up today.

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