We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Midterm Musings

25th October 2022

ZMan looks behind the curtain.

The midterm election is two weeks away and we are seeing the predictable pattern in the polling and news coverage. Whenever there is a Democrat in the White House, the regime media works feverishly to convince everyone he is the next Lincoln, but the voters think otherwise. Fake polls are released claiming the president is more popular than sex and the media is full of stories about doomed Republicans. Then autumn hits and everything swings the other way.

This pattern started in 1994. Bill Clinton was some weird mash up of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Al Goldstein. Supposedly, everyone loved Bill Clinton, even most Republican voters. In fairness, most people probably did like Bill Clinton as a picaresque character. They feared and loathed his deranged old lady, so they ran to the nearest Republican at the first opportunity. The GOP picked up eight Senate seats and 54 House seats in a sea change election.

This pattern did not hold in 2002, when newly minted president George W Bush went into his first midterm. The media spent a lot of time carefully explaining how this mumbling fellow was Hitler, but no one fell for it. His endless slobbering over Israel was probably the clue. That and the fact that his administration had more Jews in it than an accounting convention. The Republicans actually picked up a few Senate seats and lost just one House seat.

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