We have seen the future, and it sucks.

New Orleans getting $1 billion barrier

4th November 2009

Read it.

Roy Dokka, the executive director of the Center for GeoInformatics at Louisiana State University, said up to 70 percent of the West Bank could be underwater if a monster storm were to hit it.

So why are the taxpayers being forced to subsidize the folly of those who wish to build in this vulnerable area?

“It’s the only land left for large populations to grow,” said state Rep. Ricky J. Templet, a Republican who represents a swath of the West Bank. “The sky’s the limit. On the West Bank, we were the last to get started on our flood protection. Some people will be able to sleep at night now.”

I guess the fact that there are other, non-flood-prone areas nearby is irrelevant.

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