We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Liz Cheney’s GOP Has Gone Extinct

29th September 2022

Read it.

Having spent years denouncing Donald Trump as a faux Republican and a disgrace to the party, much of the past year implicitly accusing him of treason as vice-chair of the January 6 Committee and the two months since her defeat in the Wyoming primary characterizing half (at least) of the GOP as “very sick,” she is co-sponsoring a bill with Representative Zoe Lofgren, a California Democrat, to reform the Electoral Count Act in order to “protect the rule of law and ensure that future efforts to attack the integrity of presidential elections can’t succeed.”

Representative Lofgren was one of seven impeachment managers in President Trump’s trial for his first impeachment in 2020. As of a year ago she had voted with President Biden 100 percent of time; five years before, she called the (female) head of the US Commission of Civil Rights a “bigot” for saying that identifying oneself as female cannot change biological fact.

Surely, you might have thought, Cheney could have found a co-sponsor for her bill among liberal members of the Republican Party, rather than link a comradely arm with a radical California Democrat… before you reflected that by her relentless attacks on Trump and her insults paid to half of her own party she has probably alienated — perhaps forever — the large majority of it, few if any of whom wish to be associated with her publicly, let alone in connection with an election reform bill.

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