We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Demon of Democracy

26th September 2022

ZMan notices some inconvenient truth.

It has become trite to point out that the lovers of democracy have a one way relationship with it. When the results of an election are favorable to the ruling class, they praise democracy. When the results are something other than what the rulers wanted, then you can no longer trust the process. The United States has spent the last six years torn between these two competing forces. The 2016 election was rigged while the 2020 election was the most bizarrely pure result ever.

We are about to get another dose of this in Europe as elections go the wrong way for the people who actually run Europe. In Sweden, the normally passive Swedes decided to send a very mild message to their ruling class by giving a bunch of votes to the Swedish Democrats. This allowed a moderate coalition to form up and depose the Social Democrats, which has been the ruling party for decades. For the usual suspects, this means snow Hitler is around the corner.

All of this should be familiar to Americans. Voters sent a message to the ruling class in 2016 when they put Donald Trump in the White House. The message was received and the ruling class has been making war on those voters ever since. In a democracy, a legitimate result is one that pleases the permanent ruling elite. Anything that even questions the elite moral consensus is a threat to our democracy. The Swedes and Italians are about to learn this lesson.

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