We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

22nd September 2022

Will “McHenry” Enter the Language Like “Charlottesville” or Will This Homicide Remain a North Dakota Police Blotter Item?

DOJ investigating Mike Lindell over potential identity theft, damage to protected computer (The Hill) SCRAAAAAAAPE that barrel.

My Pillow CEO, Trump ally faces probe for plot to target 2020 election computers (Reuters)

Most Republicans Support Declaring the United States a Christian Nation (Politico) Push-polling the Narrative in the run-up to the mid-term elections.

Florida has an ‘extensive’ network of White supremacists and other far-right extremists, ADL report says (CNN)  Targeting DeSantis in the run-up to the mid-term elections.

Rashida Tlaib Calls on People to Close Their JPMorgan Accounts After CEO Says Divesting from Oil Would be ‘Hell for America’  (MEDIAite)

Elon Musk blasts Robert Reich as ‘idiot, liar’ for saying self-made billionaires are ‘myth’

Alberto Ibarguen and Ken Griffin

$43 Billion NYC Pension System “Reassess” Relationship With BlackRock Over ESG Backtracking

Hawley Accuses Google of Joining ‘The Far Left’s Campaign to Punish Pregnancy Resource Centers’

Soros-Funded Group Behind Lawsuit Against DeSantis on Martha’s Vineyard Flights


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