We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Chauffered America, Strip Mall America

25th October 2009

Arnold Kling discusses some inconvenient truths.

The obvious sociological point is that the top finance people live in a bubble, with secret entrances, isolated offices, chauffered automobiles, and private jets. Even the top government officials inhabit this world. Sorkin describes Geithner arriving at the airport in DC and losing it over not being met by a driver. Forced to take a taxi, Geithner turns to his colleague and says that he has no cash. Perhaps this would have been a moment to teach the head of the New York Fed how to use an ATM.

One Response to “Chauffered America, Strip Mall America”

  1. Sis Says:

    I don’t assume he had or has an ATM card. He has people for that.