We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Global Warming Hysteria

30th August 2022

A melting glacier, an imperiled city and one farmer’s fight for climate justice (Washington Post)

Elon Musk says ‘civilization will crumble’ unless we continue using oil and gas in the short term

Scientists call on colleagues to protest climate crisis with civil disobedience (The Guardian) Where it’s always still the sixties.

Explainer: How industry is depending on carbon capture technology for climate goals (Reuters) You’re too stupid to read the news for yourself so we’ll thell you the Narrative.

Zombie ice from Greenland will raise sea level 10 inches (Associated Press) Betcha it doesn’t.

Greenland ice losses set to raise global sea levels by nearly a foot, new research shows (CNN) A study! That proves it!

EPA tells 15 states they missed air pollution plan deadline (The Hill)

Harrison Ford frequent flier on private jets despite climate change activism Rules are for thee but not for me.

How sea-level rise could sever a vital transport link in Canada (Al Jezeera) Betcha it doesn’t.

Renewable energy is maligned by misinformation. It’s a distraction, experts say (NPR)

Washington Post: The USA Should Pay for Pakistan’s Climate Floods

Last WH polar bears ashore even later than 2009 as Hudson Bay finally becomes ice-free

New Zealand’s plan to prepare for inevitable climate change impacts  Betcha they don’t happen.

Systemic Error in Global Temperature Measurement

A third of Pakistan is underwater from floods, climate chief says  Works for me.

First Solar announces new U.S. panel factory following the Inflation Reduction Act “Saddle up, boys! There’s government money in them thar hills! KA-CHING!”

Why “Zombie Ice” and other claims of Greenland ice melt raising sea levels are just modeled hokum

A simple paint job can save birds from wind turbines


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