We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Meanwhile, in the People’s Republic of California

29th August 2022

Read it.

The Governor of the one-party state of California has designs on running for president in 2024. Newsom claims to be a big proponent of ‘freedom.’ And touts his state’s efforts to protect the freedom to kill unborn babies up until the minute of birth. But his California is also a place where one has the freedom to loot a local business without consequences. Californians have the freedom to defecate in the street of any major city. Thanks to the ruling party’s reforms, people with HIV have the freedom to spread the virus to others. California, it seems, is just bursting with freedom.

Oh, but you won’t have the freedom to buy a gasoline-powered car. That will be illegal as of 2035. Oh, and if you own a hotel, the city of Los Angeles may soon force you to put up vagrants in any vacant room.

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