We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

26th August 2022

Former Labor Sec. Robert Reich asks if Gov. DeSantis’ last name is ‘officially a synonym for fascist’

A ‘woke’ calculation: Hurt millions, so DeSantis can win (Orlando Sentinal) Ever notice that proglodytes like to say that thing X they don’t like is ‘Not who we are’?

‘I Was in Kenosha Two Years Ago, Kyle Rittenhouse Is Not a Hero’ (Newsweek) Just in case you forgot that particular piece of the Narrative.

Rittenhouse trial witness pens column condemning media ‘caricatures’ of Rittenhouse and those killed

This power line could save California — and forever change the American West (L.A. Times) A Child of the Crust rejoices in having at last found a way that Flyover Country can serve the People Who Count – on the Left Coast.

Chinese behemoth Pinduoduo to take on Amazon in US – with even worse labor practices (The Guardian) If you don’t pay your assembly-line people as if they were software engineers at Google, you are officially a Bad Person.

San Francisco billboard darkly warns about moving to Texas (S.F. Gate)

Tim Ryan is for real. Trump’s GOP Senate picks are in real trouble. (Washington Post) Jennifer Rubin loses her shit about Trump, which appears to be her actual job.

More damning evidence against Trump. And more of it from Republicans. (Washington Post) We hope you appreciate the effort we go to in finding these ‘Republicans’.

Another Republican lie is born (Washington Post0 Dana Milbank strains at a gnat while swallowing all of the Democrat camels.

Mark Zuckerberg tells Joe Rogan FBI warned Facebook of ‘Russian propaganda’ before Hunter Biden laptop story  I guess Russians are the New Jews.

Lawsuit Seeks Removal Of Judge Who Approved Warrant For FBI Trump Raid

“Get Trump!” Damn The Constitution

Biden: MAGA Moved GOP Toward ‘Semi-Fascism”  Sorry, Wilson moved America toward semi-fascism, reinforced by FDR–both Democrats.

Bill Barr: Mueller ‘Made Some Very Serious Errors’

NY Times Pits ‘Polarizing…Hard-Right’ DeSantis vs ‘Peaceable’ Centrist Crist

Revealed: leaked video shows Amy Coney Barrett’s secretive faith group drove women to tears (The Guardian) The witch-hunt continues.

NY Times Editorial Board: Prosecuting Trump Is ‘Necessary’

Former leaders have been jailed or charged all over the world (Axios) Walls are closing in on Trump etc. etc….

MSNBC Accuses GOP Senate Candidate Of Hiding Abortion Views, Not Dem Doing The Same

‘On the Offensive’; Nets Trumpet Biden’s ‘Fiery’ Speech, ‘Semi-Fascism’ Smear Against GOP

Sen. Warner: Intelligence Panel Needs Damage Assessment of Trump Materials

Redacted Affidavit Just Says ‘Orange Man Bad’  (Babylon Bee)

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