We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Rich Germans launch internet petition calling for higher taxes

22nd October 2009

Read it.

Many people are confused when rich people call for higher taxes.

No need to be. Think it through.

If Bill’s income is a million quatloos a year, and Ted’s income is a hundred thousand quatloos a year, and the tax rate is 25%, Bill winds up with 750,000 quatloos, and Ted winds up with 75,000 quatloos. Bill lives well, and Ted gets by.

If the tax rate goes up to 75%, Bill winds up with 250,000 quatloos, and Ted with 25,000. Bill still lives well (although perhaps not as well), and Ted’s family start eating a lot of pasta. (That’s presuming that Bill’s tax accountant, one of those people that Ted can no longer afford, is so stupid as to have Bill pay Full Price at tax time, the likelihood of which is so small that even Bayes can’t compute it. Remember, Mr Tax Accountant is deductible and gets paid from the 1,000,000 quatloos, not whatever is left.)

More to the point, Ted and family can’t afford to go out any more, and so Bill and family don’t have any competition at their favorite restaurant/concert/resort/marina/ski lodge. Ted also winds up sending his kids to Local Community College rather than Ivy Snootiversity, so Bill’s kids can get in without having a lot of tedious competition. Kids like Bill’s aren’t used to competition; striving is just so middle class, don’t you agree?

Even more to the point, when Ted dies, all he can afford to leave his kids is this old guitar and an empty bottle o’ booze, so Bill’s kids have no fear of them being in the way, unto the fortieth generation.

I’m not saying that’s their motivation; a lot of them have gone to Propaganda Camp for college and may actually believe this horseshit. But that’s the effect, and the more intelligent ones (like Bill Gates Sr. and Warren Buffet … and Al Gore) absolutely know what the tune is and how to play it.

And don’t think that Barak Hussein Obama (mmm mmm mmm) doesn’t want to be there in that number when the Crust go marching in.

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