The Last Living Holocaust Mass Murderer
16th August 2022
David Cole fingers George Soros.
At 92 years old, George Soros is the last human experientially connected to the Holocaust who’s still actively taking lives. Sure, there are a few elderly ex-Nazis being dragged before German courts, but they’re insignificant (secretaries, bookkeepers) and their murderous exploits, if any, ended with the war.
Soros, a Jew who survived the Holocaust by posing as a gentile, kills people daily. How many? I think it’s safe to say that at least once every few days in cities ruled by Soros DAs an innocent person is murdered by a criminal who’s roaming the streets due to Soros’ machinations.
Soros himself has admitted that he bases his life’s work on his wartime experience. He’s the Nazis’ inadvertent posthumous revenge on America; the Jew the SS failed to catch likely conducts the equivalent of one Malmedy massacre per month.