We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Trump Raided by Feds

9th August 2022

Read it.

Even taken at face value, sending armed men to recover documents that first, do not exist, second, if they did were removed by staffers, third, if they had been removed would not have been illegal (since the President can declassify any document at will by removing them from the White House), fourth, if they had been removed illegally, Trump already offered, without reservation, to have officers of the national archives go through his documents to confirm.

The FBI padlocked the room to secure it weeks ago, in order to secure any possible documents while the Archivists investigated. During the raid, they broke the padlock they themselves installed.

Of course, this is red meat to the MAGA base. If the effort to exclude Trump from the next Presidential election fails, they may deeply regret the effort. “He who draws his sword against the king must throw away the scabbard.”

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