Today in Witch-Hunt Culture
2nd August 2022
Bragg’s bad choice: A prosecutor shines new light on his Trump decision (N.Y. Daily News)
Will Ivana help Donald Trump with tax breaks from beyond the grave? (The Guardian)
Juan Williams: GOP will stop at nothing if it wins midterms (The Hill) Proglodytes assume that Republicans will act the same as Democrats would.
What to expect from the DOJ’s investigation of Donald Trump (The Hill) A lot of hot air and innuendo, but no actual charges.
Trump Must Be Charged for ‘Crimes’ or They’ll Be Repeated: Glenn Kirschner (Newsweek) Except that they haven’t managed to come up with any, you know, actual crimes.
Retired DC cop who testified before January 6 committee says Trump ‘adamantly’ wanted to go to Capitol (CNN) Is that a good thing or a bad thing? What’s the Narrative this week?
Leftist TikToker: “Normalize Spitting Into The Drinks Of Trump Supporters”
The View: GOP Unwilling to Kill Terrorist Leaders Like Dems Are
CNN Deceptively Edits Audio to Pass Off Sunday Host as Hungary’s Orban