We have seen the future, and it sucks.

The Future Democratic Voters Project and the 10-Year-Old Ohio Rape Victim

15th July 2022

The Other McCain turns over a rock.

One of the things about political tribalism is that it encourages participants to think of politics as a fight for survival — Us and Them — in which there are no rules. The Democratic Party has made identity politics part of their core belief system, which interwoven with the strategic idea that demographic trends (particularly the growth of non-white minority populations) is the key to their obtaining uncontested political hegemony. This explains, among other things, why Donald Trump’s desire to enforce U.S. immigration law was regarded by Democrats as a species of “hate,” because they view unrestricted immigration as a means of rapidly growing the Hispanic which, in turn, they expect will ultimately provide Democrats with an insuperable electoral majority. This is not a “conspiracy theory”; it’s a synopsis of what has happened to California over the past 30 years, for example.
Democrats view illegal aliens as part of their party’s constituency, because of what we may dub The Future Democratic Voters Project, and as a consequence, will do anything necessary to prevent these law-breaking foreigners from being deported or otherwise inconvenienced.

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