The Corporate Layoffs Have Started And Leftist Big Tech Is Leading the Pack
15th July 2022
There are two major forces at work within the US economy today that pull in different directions but end up in the same place: These forces are price inflation caused by central bank stimulus along with supply chain instability and recession triggered by rising interest rates. Immense corporate and consumer debt also play a role, but this ties in directly with the interest rate issue.
In other words, we are looking at a classic stagflationary scenario amplified by years of fiat dollar printing by the Federal Reserve. The only element that has been missing is rising unemployment, until now.
The word “recession” is being used liberally lately and there is a good reason for this – It is vague and gives the public little to no idea of what to expect or how bad the economic downturn could get. It is also a convenient distraction from the much more dangerous issue of rising prices. If a “recession” is on the way, won’t this mean prices will fall? Not necessarily, at least not anytime soon.
I guess “Learn to code!” is going to start ringing pretty hollow.