We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Where Do We Get Such Men?

10th June 2022

Read it.

As you may have heard, there’s been slightly more than the usual amount of drama at the Washington Post the past few days. In the midst of the ongoing, junior-high quality drama, a young employee and Stanford graduate named Holden Foreman decided to white knight on behalf of the women generating the drama. He did this by tattling on male Washington Post employees who agreed with a different female employee that everybody should give it a rest, put the drama behind them and get back to work.

So, who is this courageous Generation Tide Pod person, Holden Foreman, standing up for the right of women to create and sustain workplace drama? As I said, he is a graduate of Stanford. While at Stanford, he apparently published an article … I am not making this up … complaining that he had to go hungry at college because eating food from a cafeteria was too traumatizing for him and he lacked the ability to determine for himself how much food to eat. The remedy he demanded … still not making this up… was that the university should cut and portion his food for him individually so he would be spared the trauma of eating at a buffet.

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