We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Elon Musk’s Twitter Revolution

29th May 2022

Curtis Yarvin (Mencius Moldbug) peers behind the curtain.

Twitter is unlike The New York Times, which wields oligarchic power directly. Twitter, when it works, creates a vacuum of power, which democratic power fills. By default, Twitter isn’t in any way in control of the portal of pure chaos it creates.

“Twitter is a natural cradle of any kind of counter-establishment power—good or bad.”
As any Arab despot can tell you, Twitter is the most powerful weapon of democracy ever invented. If Twitter is bad, Twitter is bad because democracy is bad. While there is a real case for this point of view, few dare to make it.

Twitter is a natural cradle of any kind of counter-establishment power—good or bad. If the words “oligarchy” and “democracy” don’t mean “establishment” and “counter-establishment,” these words have lost all meaning.

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