We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Global Warming Hysteria

29th May 2022

Rethinking air conditioning amid climate change (Ars Technica)

Young L.A. Latina wins prestigious environmental prize (NBC) For which her ethnicity is apparently her chief qualification.

Study warns nearly half of fossil fuel sites need to be shut down to avoid climate disaster (Interesting Engineering)

Carbon-Removal Tech Grabs Elon Musk’s Check (IEEE Spectrum)

Scientists Say Tundra Could Be Lost in 30 Years as Trees Take Over (Newsweek) They say that like it was a bad thing.

Can cross-breeding protect endangered species from the climate emergency? (The Guardian)

They once worked for big oil’s enablers. Now they refuse to be complicit (The Guardian)

Climate pressure from employees, shareholders rattles Big Oil (Washington Pots) Not to mention the government, academia, and the Narrative Media.

G7 countries say strict environmental rules needed for deep-sea mining (Reuters)

Swiss Daily: Wind Park Destruction Of 1000-Year Old Untouched German Forest Exposes “Absurdity of Green Energies”

New York Times Upset as GOP ‘Punishes’ Woke Corporations, Financiers for ‘Climate Action’

Davos Reveals Building-Blocks For “Green” Social-Credit System

We finally know why sunscreen kills coral reefs

Alberta Court’s Overturning of Liberals’ Environmental Impact Law Marks ‘Principled Approach’ to Federalism: Law Prof

Polar Bear Habitat in Canada Over the Last Decade: Spring Sea Ice Not in a Death Spiral


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