We have seen the future, and it sucks.

SJW Tumblrinas: The Root of All Evil

1st May 2022

The Other McCain is shocked, shocked I tell you.

Back in 2014, when I started researching radical feminism, one of the first things I discovered was the phenomenon of Tumblr, a toxic cesspool that began as a blogging platform with an interface that allowed it to also function as a social-networking site. Tumblr users could “follow” each other, exchange DMs and, most importantly, “reblog” each other’s content. Feminist Tumblr was a notorious bedlam of craziness, where The Discourse™ spiraled into long threads of young women practicing “call-out culture,” i.e., accusing each other of transgressions against intersectional social justice. Whoever your favorite celebrity, whatever your favorite movie or TV show, it was sure to be denounced as “problematic” at some level by the social justice totalitarians of feminist Tumblr — all of whom proclaimed their mental illnesses in their profiles, and none of whom were heterosexual. Tumblrinas were always somewhere in the LGBTQ spectrum, and all of them were suffering from depression, anxiety, ADD, OCD, autism, bipolar disorder and/or PTSD.

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