We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Witch-Hunt Culture

26th April 2022

CNN Exclusive: Mark Meadows’ 2,319 text messages reveal Trump’s inner circle communications before and after January 6 (CNN)

Trump allies’ secret work to overturn 2020 election detailed in new text messages (NBC)

‘Exhilarated’ McConnell said Jan. 6 ‘discredited’ Trump, book says (Washington Post) Still obsessed with Trump.

Kevin McCarthy’s border stunt reveals a dark truth about the GOP (Washington Post) Stunt! Dark!

When the Capitol riot began, Marjorie Taylor Greene knew whom to blame (Washington Post)

Seth Meyers Brutally Mocks Ivanka Trump’s Coup Texts (Daily Beast) The mean girls strike back.

New York AG Investigates Real Estate Giant for Helping Trump

With his every pronouncement, Gov. Ron DeSantis turns Floridian against Floridian (Gainesville Sun) He refuses to just shut up and follow the Narrative.

Nets Smeared Border Agents for ‘Horrific’ ‘Whipping’ of Migrants, Censor Their Clearing

IRONY: MSNBC’s Melber Worries Musk Will Shadowban & Censor Dems

NY Times Claims Christopher Rufo ‘Fuels Cultural Fires For Right’ in Florida  They say that like it was a bad thing.

The View Defends Disney: Bigot DeSantis ‘Taking on the Mouse’


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