We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Thought for the Day: Witch-Hunt Culture

27th April 2022

3 Responses to “Thought for the Day: Witch-Hunt Culture”

  1. Sis Says:

    This one even I approve of

  2. RealRick Says:

    I estimate that about 75-80% of the engineers I worked with actually washed their hands after going to the toilet. The same group was incapable of making coffee. Even so, the corporation was willing to let them play with millions of dollars worth of process equipment.

  3. Tim of Angle Says:

    That reminds me of a story.

    A sailor and a marine walked into a public lavatory. Both went over to the urinals to take a piss.

    The marine finished, zipped up, and went over to wash his hands.

    The sailor finished, buttoned up, and went over to the door to leave.

    The marine looked over and said in a condescending voice, ‘In the Marine Corps, they teach us to wash our hands after taking a piss.’

    The sailer looked back at him and said, ‘In the Navy, they teach us not to piss on our hands.’