We have seen the future, and it sucks.

Today in Progressive Totalitarianism

23rd April 2022

Florida releases 4 examples of CRT textbook content rejected for public schools

The GOP war on democracy is working. Just look at Ohio. (Washington Post) In the Narrative Media, ‘democracy’ means ‘Democrat vote fraud’.

The Babylon Bee Stands In Solidarity With Its Fellow Cancelled Satire Site CNN+  Babylon Bee.

How the left is further taking over public schools in Minnesota

American Library Association Picks Self-Proclaimed Marxist as President

2013 ‘Lie of the Year’ Winner Obama Claims ‘People Are Dying’ Because of Online Misinfo

Baltimore Residents To Get $1,000 Checks In UBI Pilot Test 

New York Democrats Aim To Tax Ammo To Fund Anti-Gun Research

Durham springs the trap on Hillary Clinton’s lawyer

Wisconsin Dem Rakes in Money From Corporate-Funded PACs While Raging Against Corporate Money

BBC Lauds Implantable Microchip “Wallet”

Twitter To Remove Ads That Contain ‘Misinformation’ About Climate Change

MSNBC’s Velshi Warns of ‘Dystopian’ Post-Roe America  After all, who would want to live in a world where mothers can’t kill their inconvenient children?

Acosta, Navarro Accuse Republicans of ‘Cancelling’ Disney


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