Conservatives, Stop Using Twitter
17th April 2022
Scott Adams (on his Locals podcast COFFEE WITH SCOTT ADAMS, which I highly recommend) points out that the reason Twitter has power in this world is that it has both Left and Right arguing with each other. If one side went away, it would just be one side talking to themselves and it would fail. (This is why the various right-wing alternatives to Twitter never succeed; nobody from the Left ever goes there, or ever will go there, so there is no chance of it ever having power.) This is why the Elon Musk thing is seen as such a threat — Mommeee! Billy hit me back!
Why do ‘right-wing’ people fight so hard not to Get Canceled on Twitter? Because they want to be on Twitter so badly that they’ll fight to be there, even when they are being regularly and routinely abused. It reminds me of the classic story of the guy whose job was shoveling up elephant shit all day. When somebody suggested that he go into another line of work, he responed ‘What? And give up show business?’ If this kind of ‘show business’ is so important to you that you are willing to spend your days shoveling up elephant shit, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU>
This is psychotic. Twitter (in its present form) is an stage for left-wing people to abuse right-wing people; the right-wing people are necessary for this process because their Role In Life is to serve as whipping-boys for the proglodytes. The same can be said of alleged ‘conservatives’ who accept invitations to appear on networks like CNN and MSNBC when everybody and his dog knows that the only reason for such an invitation is that it provides the Usual Suspects with a target for abuse. Why put up with that? A character defect is the only reason I can think of.
Conservatives, stop using Twitter. If you did, it would die, and yet another arena for the Left to abuse their natural victims would cease to exist. You have the key to Hell in your own hands; leave whenever you decide to do so. That’s all it takes.